Tax Collector
On-Line Tax Payments

Then enter your 12 digit number in the value box without dashes.

Tax Inquiry: Please enter search criteria
Select Roll Year 
FieldSearch TypeValue
Fee Parcel

On-line Payment Instructions

Please read carefully before proceeding

Real Property Taxes

If you wish to view or pay all taxes that are due on a particular parcel in our county, you must enter the "fee parcel" number in the appropriate "fee parcel" field from the options shown. By making this selection, the data results will include Secured Taxes, Supplemental Taxes and Defaulted Secured Taxes. You will then have the option of selecting which bills you wish to pay from a list of bills that currently exist against that property.However, if an installment plan exists on prior year defaulted taxes, you will not have the option to pay that particular bill "on-line" or over the phone. Note: Each tax bill is assigned its' own "assessment" number. By entering a number in the "assessment" field, your search results will only reflect that particular bill's data.

Personal Property Taxes

If you wish to view or pay all taxes that are due for a particular Unsecured personal property tax account, you must enter the "assessment" number in the "assessment" field. However, if a partial payment exists on a personal property tax bill, you will not have the option to pay that particular assessment "on-line" or over the phone. Personal Property Taxes, also known as Unsecured Taxes, are most commonly for businesses, aircrafts, boats or jet skis, leasehold improvement assessments, possessory interest assessments and various others. These assessments are generally for taxes assessed against personal property that is not land, or secured to the land. Do not enter your search data under "fee parcel" when searching or paying these kinds of taxes.

*Please be advised that compliance with Government Code Section 6254.21 does not allow us to provide searches by name and address.